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Mega Magnesium includes three forms of highly absorbed magnesium for a variety of protocols.


  • Provides Three Forms of Highly Absorbed Magnesium for a Variety of Protocols
  • High-Concentration Magnesium for Cardiovascular Support
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Glucose Levels
  • Promotes Energy Production and Muscle Relaxation


Suggested Use: 2 or more capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional. 180 capsules per bottle.

Mega Magnesium

  • Bioavailability- The Mineral Chelate Difference

    The importance of bioavailability is obvious. If consuming a magnesium supplement has little effect on improving the body’s magnesium balance, there is no reason to ingest it. Signs of inferior mineral supplements include the use of cheap, poorly absorbed, rock-salt minerals like calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide. These mineral forms slow and limit absorption, relying on adequate stomach acid to release magnesium ions which then enter the body via passive diffusion. And, because they tend to remain in the intestines longer, these forms of mineral supplements can cause intestinal distress such as constipation (calcium carbonate) or diarrhea (magnesium oxide). Reacted Magnesium provides the additional benefit of highly-absorbed, Albion® mineral chelates. Albion®is the world leader in manufacturing highly bioavailable mineral chelates, a specialized form of minerals bound to amino acids. This patented process creates organic mineral compounds which use active absorption mechanisms in the gastrointestinal tract to greatly enhance mineral absorption.


    In a magnesium comparison study reported by Graff et al. at Weber State University, Albion®’s magnesium amino acid chelate had:

    • 8.8 times greater absorption than magnesium oxide
    • 5.6 times greater absorption than magnesium sulfate
    • 2.3 times greater absorption than magnesium carbonate

    In addition, other comparison studies have shown significantly superior absorption of magnesium chelates compared to other mineral forms:

    • At a dose of 400 mg, magnesium chelate significantly reduced or eliminated menstrual abdominal discomfort.
    • Multiple double blind studies found urinary excretion of magnesium chloride higher than magnesium glycinate, proving superior absorption.
    • Magnesium glycinate is shown to have a reduced laxative effect when compared to other forms of magnesium.


    Mineral chelates are gentle, gut “friendly” minerals that do not cause diarrhea that often accompanies magnesium oxide and other rock-salt forms. Albion®’s mineral chelates have extensive clinical research proving their superior bioavailability, biologic activity, stability, and improved tolerance.

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